I was only 11years old at the time. I remember vividly walking through the vast expanse of land, structures, trees and shrubberies that all made up the model college I attended during my high school days. I had never seen so much of nature all in one place. Having been born and bred in one of the most densely populated areas in Lagos. I was filled with awe at the huge world that surrounded me.

My young mind was filled with questions, and lots of them; who planted all these trees? how long did it take to plant so many trees! How does it feel like to touch the ‘cotton-wool like’ clouds? Was there really a God up there who created all these wondrous things around me? Did these God actually care so much about me that He sent His only Son to come and die for my sins? What would it be like to spend eternity in heaven and never have to worry about school and seniors ever again?

As I grew older, I seemed to get more explanations for all the questions that had plagued me as a child. I got to understand that there was a God in Heaven who established the Heavens and the Earth and everything in it. I also learnt that the Devil was a fallen angel whose only goal has always been to take my eyes away from who the blessings of God and distract me from being who God has called me to be.

God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to the world to bear the consequences of our sins. He was humiliated, mutilated and crucified on the cross of Calvary for our sake, paying the ultimate sacrifice. He broke the gates of hell, He conquered sin and death on our behalf that we through Him might be saved. He became our High Priest through which we could be restored back to God the Father. He brought us out of the darkness into His marvelous light and gave us the Holy Spirit to be our helper, comforter and guide every step of our lives on earth.

The Devil lost the battle for your soul when Christ resurrected from the dead, and for as many that call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. Unfortunately, countless times we allow our fears and the cares of this world to get in the way of the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We forget the fact that our present worries are nothing compared to the eternal glory that lies ahead of us in Heaven.

Christ has given all Christians a charge to go into the world and talk about how He has saved us so that those people around us who are still living in ignorance and under the law of sin and death shall be saved and restored back to Him. Christ is counting on us as Christians to deliver the lost souls out of bondage by sharing our faith with them and testifying of Him.

Whenever we fail to use every opportunity we have to reach out to our friends, family and acquaintances who are still living in sin, it is like seeing someone who is about to enter into a ditch and choosing to ignore the fact that your neighbour’s life is in grave danger. Each time we make no attempt to share the gospel of Christ’s salvation and redemption, we choose to sign the life of that person over to eternal torture in the pits of hell.

Remember, that you were formally destined for eternal damnation until someone sowed the seed of God’s word into your life. Christ has charged us as Christians to love the Lord our God with all our heart, might and soul and to love all of mankind as we love ourselves. The only possible way to show that you truly love God and your fellow being is by looking beyond yourself and taking every opportunity you get to talk to people all over the world about Christ and all that He has done for you, if you truly believe that He has saved you.

Subomi Ibitoye


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